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Barbara Morris Jensen, PsyD, CAMF

Dr. Morris Jensen is a doctor of clinical psychology, certified life coach, and certified clinical hypnotherapist, who maintains a private practice, and develops courses to get to the root cause, and facilitate change, of outdated patterns and habits. She has dedicated her career to helping and empowering people live true and fulfilling lives, both personally and professionally. Her compassion and ability to quickly tune into deeper dynamics underlying the challenges people face, makes her a reliable resource to help transform subconscious root causes into opportunity awareness. She uses solution focused, hypnotherapy, and emotional intelligence skills to help her patients and clients recognize strengths and challenges, and consciously make necessary changes in perspective and practice within their relationships with themselves and others.


Her early interest in relationships began with a desire to understand the emotional impact of adopted children, and the challenges between the children and their adoptive parents. During her psychological internship at Ventura County Medical Center, and Family Practice Residency affiliated with UCLA, she had the opportunity to work alongside many specialized physicians, nurses and healthcare staff, and provide psychological services to patients served in Family Practice, Pediatric Diabetes, ICU, Hematology/Oncology, Cystic Fibrosis, Infectious Disease including HIV, and AIDS. Throughout her years there she saw the negative effects of ineffective communication and short-sighted approaches that deteriorated the opportunities for collaboration, work satisfaction, and service excellence with patient outcomes.


Pursuing her desire to understand more about the conscious and subconscious patterns that affect personal and professional relationships, she’s developed an approach that intimately and effectively helps individuals, couples, families, and businesses connect to the intrinsic values of each person involved. Her approach assists to create deep, meaningful and lasting changes through open, honest, direct, kindhearted and skillful communication. Establishing deeper connection with self and others facilitates a win-win to successfully move beyond presenting challenges. She’s been called the Soul Whisperer with her ability to notice and draw out the true nature of others and help them develop and live an authentic life. 


Michelle Galles, BSN, CAMF

Michelle Galles is a RN with a bachelor’s degree with honors in nursing from USC.  Currently she is a Senior Consultant for IT Healthcare. Her background includes staff nurse, house supervisor, Director of Outpatient Services and Peri Operative Director.  She started her career as an interim permit nurse on a very busy renal, pulmonary and telemetry unit. Due to her dedication to her professional responsibilities, and ability to attune with others, within six months she was a charge nurse.


She started her career as a consultant after the hospital where she was Peri Op Director, transitioned to Electronic Healthcare Records. It was one of the first hospitals and largest for-profit hospital corporations in the country to switch. It still stands as one of the most successful transitions. Upon completing the transition, she was immediately recruited by the consulting company. Subsequently, she began transitioning health care teams in hospitals across the nation, to EHR as mandated by the Affordable Care Act. Over time, she increasingly found herself managing emotionally charged situations relying on her experience as a Director. For example, being selected to work with “difficult end-users” transitioning them into the frightening world of Electronic Records. Her natural ability to get to the root cause of emotions being displayed landed her the nickname, “The Physician Whisperer” by one CMIO.  


Beginning her career as a nurse, and now as a consultant, she’s witnessed how providers and nurses were focused on the task at hand, treating the condition or symptoms of the patient but failing to establish a relationship or acknowledge the emotions of the patient.  

Patients experience a wide array of human emotions; anxiety, fear, loneliness, anger, stress and many more. These are experienced while coping with injury, pain, illness and poor prognosis. Having lived it, Michelle recognizes nurses are the front line of complaints, concerns and emotional outbursts.  She came to recognize many nurses, providers and other healthcare workers lack the skills of emotional self-awareness, interpersonal skills and empathy.  When these skills are lacking, the patient’s, experience deteriorates. The inability to relay what is often bad news in an honest and compassionate manner often exacerbates the situation. Knowing how to handle these basic human emotions can influence the patient experience and outcomes. 


Michelle has experienced the patient perspective of this relationship more than once.  She possesses a unique perspective. All three of her children and her husband have been hospitalized for traumatic injuries or conditions requiring emergent surgery in more than one situation and hospitalization.  As a nurse and as a parent, she has worked with and witnessed the giving and compassionate profession of providers and nurses who want to help their patients.  There is power in these selfless acts.  She has also witnessed inappropriate and disappointing behavior by some nurses and providers that is disruptive to the work environment and can cause harm to patients. In her various roles, Michelle has used critical thinking, problem solving and emotional intelligence to connect with her patients making them feel at ease, while building trust and rapport with the patient and health care team. This came to her naturally. She wasn’t aware it was her innate emotional intelligence. Now she is dedicated to teach emotional intelligence to healthcare teams. 


If you are committed to creating a more fulfilling and meaningful life, we look forward to working with you. Contact us today to see how we can support your goals.

Thank you. We will be in touch with you shortly.

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